Verses and Versions(breadcrumbs are unavailable)
(«Помилуй, трезвый Аристарх»)
from To My Aristarch |
<. . .> | |
Брожу ль над тихими водами | Brozhú l’ nad tíhimi vodámi |
В дубраве темной и глухой, | V dubráve tyómnoy i gluhóy, |
Задумаюсь — взмахну руками, | Zadúmayus’, vzmahnú rukámi, |
На рифмах вдруг заговорю — | Na rífmah vdrúg zagovoryú — |
<. . .> |
From: A.S. Pushkin, Polnoe sobranie sochineniy, ed. D.D. Blagoy, S.M. Bondi, et al. ( Moscow- Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 16 vols. 1937-59), I, 152 (hereafter “Blagoy/Bondi” followed by volume and page nos).
- A Feast During the Plague
- A lonely sower of liberty…
- Aristarhu
- Dedication, from Poltava
- Deep in siberian mines…
- During my days of autumn leisure…
- Epigram
- Epigram (On Vorontsov)
- Exegi monumentum
- from A Small House in Kolomna
- from Eugene Onegin, Chapter One
- from My Pedigree
- from Pedigree of My Hero (Fragment of a Satirical Poem)
- from Ruslan to Lyudmila
- from The Bronze Horseman
- from The Gypsies
- I Value Little Those Much-Vaunted Rights
- I Worshipped You
- Liberty
- Little Bird
- Mozart and Salieri
- On the Illustrations to Eugene Onegin in the Nevski Almanac
- Skupoy
- The Angel
- The Bosom Friend of Magic Ancientry…
- The Demon
- The Dream
- The heart demands repose…
- The Name
- The Return of Pushkin
- The Upas Tree
- The Work
- To Dawe, Esqr.
- To Scherbinin
- To Vyazemski
- Winter Morning